MEGAWRAP-200 Hiilikankaat rakenteiden vahvistamiseen
MULTIFILL-EPOXY CLEANER Geelimäinen liuotinseoksen sisältävä erikoispesuaine
NANOPRO-C Nano-impregnation for protecting porous surfaces from moisture
NANOPRO-L Nano-impregnation for protecting surfaces from oils
NANOPRO-M Nano-impregnation for protecting marbles from moisture
NOZZLES FOR EPOXY RESIN INJECTIONS For the injection of epoxy resins into structural elements
PLANFIX Polymeerisementtisilote
PLANFIX-FINE Hienoja rakeita sisältävä polymeerisementtisilote
PLANFIX-FINE PROFESSIONAL Polymer-modified cement putty, extra fine-grained. Ideal for professionals